Thursday 22 November 2012

Night at the Movies!!!

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Hi Everyone,

So last night the final installment in the Twilight Saga premiered in Jamaica and guess who was there to see it? ME :). Yea yea I know what you are thinking," I cant believe shes one of them" and by them you are referring to the "TWIHARDS". Oh well get over it! Hats off to Stephanie Meyer for writing a fabulous series of books that could all make us feel to fall in love again. I for one am happy that I was able to put faces to the characters I have come to love in her books and to see such a wonderful love story play out before my eyes.

Now a lot of persons have misinterpreted the movies to be some type of vampire movie and lets just say that they are very disappointed to see all this romantic drama unfolding before them. The thing is its not a vampire movie but a love story and a pretty good one at that. What got me the most about her story was the simplicity of it all. It reminded me of how easy and sweet pure love can be if you just allowed yourself to feel it. Its like what you would envision true love to be without all the modern day cynicism, the peer pressure, over exposure of sexuality and sex complicating everything. It was as simple as boy meets girl, girl meets boy, they fall in love and never denied it.

Yes the acting may seem awkward and slow in the movies but for anyone who read the book would know that it fits perfectly to the characters in the book. The final installment did the book justice and it was by far the best one for me which does not surprise me because Breaking Dawn was my favourite book. Now there is something special about twilight fans because I don't think there are others who are as emotionally invested. Last night Twilight brought out the good, the bad and in between. There was a fight at the theater to get in, I mean a literal fist fight, and there was a mob swarming around the attendant who collected our tickets to get into the cinema. People argued over seats, cellphones ringing, loud chatter and crying babies. Its safe to say that everyone wanted to see the movie and not miss a single word.

Once the movie got started though everyone was in unison. The movie started off on a slower pace which was expected as it showed the peaceful bliss that is Bella's new life as a vampire and as it appeared she finally had all she could ever want. As the movie progressed we all got hyped up anticipating this big war that was to risk ruining their bliss and when the moment finally arrived and the war started it completely blew everyone watching away. We all were flooded with waves of emotions and at many points we were confused about which emotion we should be feeling but we felt them all. We went from shock, sadness, anger, excitement, confusion, happiness, relief and then more happiness all in the space of 5 minutes, now that was some roller coaster and it was AWESOME. There were screams, tears, crying, shouts, cursing, gasps, cheers and laughter. I can say that they did a phenomenal job with the final movie and the way it was directed will have the last 15 minutes of the movie resonating in every ones mind, and in the their hearts for years to come. Its sad that its over, so much so that no one wanted to leave, they all sat there watching the credits go up and saying goodbye to the story they followed for years now.

I say it was the movie of the year, I loved every moment of it. There may be no more twilight but there will be other movies. So until next time.....

Witty Wednesday

Thursday 15 November 2012

When it Rains, It Pours!

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Hey Everyone,

I know I'm a day late and for that I apologise but I have had a really rough week and its only getting worse. I contemplated a lot on whether or not I should share this with you all. I find it very hard to share my feelings. My opinions, sure no problem but feelings? not so much. There is something about sympathy that is just too close to pity that makes me really uncomfortable.

My mother is very sick, she's been diagnosed with cancer for about a year now and she's not doing very well. She's been strong and brave and has been doing well mentally for the past year. This past week however was a significant turning point where things changed for the worst. I am slowly watching parts of her leave me. At some points its her mind and physically she is weak. I pride myself on being the strong one, always there for everyone else, taking on the world on my shoulders because I knew I could make myself strong enough to handle it. If I cant handle it then who will? I guess I always felt it was my responsibility to take on that role. I have heard it so many times growing up, that I am the strong one in the family.

I have believed it all these years until now, I am not strong, at least I certainly don't feel that way. I am scared, terrified and somehow that makes me feel weak. For the first time I only appear to be strong but inside, in my head I'm screaming and worried and in my heart there is sadness. I find myself very emotional these days, very moody as I am fighting tears even now writing these words. I realised that I am pushing myself to a breaking point and that I have all these emotions that I am not sharing with anyone, only to myself. Sometimes at night I cry myself to sleep and I wake to feel a little better, a little peace of mind.

It is for this realisation that I have a decided to share this with you, to set myself free and open the flood gates a bit. I do not wish to lose myself in this moment because no matter how weak I feel I must still be strong. I know one day I will lose her and the thought of her dying makes me feel like I would die too. Now I am not referring to suicide or anything so please don't get worried, I am not going off the deep end. Metaphorically speaking I just feel like I would die too, the person who I was before and who I am now I believe will cease to exist. For now I just cant see how I could ever be the same and all these thoughts surround me and weigh me down.

I lost my brother last year to cancer and now at some point I will lose my mother too. Well it is all up to God who will decide how much longer she will be in my life, so the best thing I can do is enjoy the moments I have with her now. Its hard and sad watching her sick and weak and losing herself but at least she is still here. I can talk to her, kiss her cheek, comfort her and hold her. She's everything to me......I love my mom.

I may be out of it for awhile but I will definitely be back. Until next time......

Witty Wednesday

Wednesday 7 November 2012

The Game is over....Victory is sweet!!!!!!

Hi Everyone,

I write today's post with much excitement and pleasure. As the world may now know, Barack Obama has been re-elected as the 44th President of the United States of America. "Victory sure is sweet and losing sure is bitter". It has been a long campaign season and even a longer night waiting on the votes from the different states to come in. I have to say that there were many times that I was worried. I kept thinking "what if Romney really wins this? What a disaster that would be." This campaign started off really close but nonetheless Obama galloped to the finish line with winning over OHIO. Now lets focus on Romney for a little bit.

Governor Romney surprised everyone throughout this campaign, firstly by letting everyone know that he was a viable contender in debating. The second surprise was letting everyone know how much of a liar he is and how much he was willing to say whatever necessary to win. Its safe to say that Governor Romney had our heads spinning in confusion and disbelief for the campaign season. To add on top of that the third surprise was the significant growth of his ego to a point that he had only prepared a victory speech. That says a lot because this means he thought that he had America in the bag, that the population had all believed his lies and had bought into the ideas of his plans that had no substance. It says a lot about a persons ego when you feel you could have successfully fooled a country.

It was clear that Governor Romney never entertained the thought of losing because after hearing that Ohio was won by Obama therefore declaring Obama the victor, he found it hard to concede to the fact. I guess I can understand the difficulty to let go of something you wanted so badly. He so wanted to move into the White House with his 5 children and 18 grandchildren and Anne Romney so wanted to be First Lady. They wanted so badly to be the poster Family of America that they could taste it. So yea, I get it, it was hard to let go. However with hard feelings aside, once again the numbers did not add up for Romney and what at first appeared to be shock and in denial started to become petty and unreasonable after 90 minutes had passed and he had not conceded.

Reporters all started to speculate whether or not Romney was going to challenge the votes and I started thinking to myself "Romney, do not do this, bow out gracefully and save face, do not make a bigger fool of yourself than you have for the entire campaign season, do not let your actions make another mockery out of you"

Low and behold he conceded. I believe it was with the advise of his team that challenging the vote was probably not the route to take because no one likes a sore loser and that also goes for Donald Trump. Now I know its hard for rich men to hear that they cannot get what they want but guess what guys, you cannot get the Presidency so please get over it and lets move on. I give props to Romney for his speech last night. He was congratulatory, he appeared honest about his feelings, the decisions he's made and the feelings he has about having lost. I believe that if Romney during his campaign had aspired to be the man he was during that speech last night then maybe he would have been more like-able, believable, maybe I would not dislike him so much (probably not) but hey it couldn't have hurt.

As for the "Man of the Hour", The President, Barack Obama, has done a phenomenal job. He has secured himself for 2 terms and I believe that only good things can come from an additional 4 years. He fought hard, stayed true to himself, his plans, his morals and took responsibility for his shortcomings. He has been honest throughout this campaign which is more than we can say about Governor Romney. Thanks to Romney's delay last night I unfortunately missed the Presidents victory speech but that doesn't matter. I didn't have to see his speech to know that he stood in front of that crowd and he smiled victoriously, he stood tall and proud as his devoted wife watched him bask in his success. He thanked all the American people for supporting him and believing in his plans for a better future for America. He was charming and appreciative and felt blessed to get to do what others have never done. He knows that he has once again made history and that at the end of these 4 years he will go down in history as one of the Presidents to follow suit for years to come.

Victory will be short lived though, as everyone will be expecting things to start changing quickly and all eyes are on him. It was reported though that the economy is on the brink of a major turn around and that this is one of the best times one can hope for being President, when things are looking up

I am happy the campaign is over and I can stop seeing those Pro Romney ads on TV. The better man for the job won and as an outsider looking in I believe that Obama did a job well done and I look forward to seeing the changes for the next four years.

Until next time everyone... ITS OVER!!!! :) ........

Witty Wednesday